Everglades Radio Club Minutes – July 14, 2023

President: Steven Taylor, W1HQL
Secretary: Bill, KG2CS
Vice-President: Charlie N4CRE
Treasurer: Pete WB4DB

Balance: $4,661.51
Checking: $3,056.55
Cash: 722.98
Cheddar Up: $881.47

Expenses: $149.79
$149.79 N4CRE - GoBox - Solar panels

Donations: $702
$1 - N4CRE - 50/50 Keep the change Donation
$1 - KF4UJX - 50/50 Keep the change Donation

Introductions (7:12 PM)

Field Day Wrap-up:
20 meters was very good (328 contacts). 14, 270. Great fun. 48 contacts by Rafael.
Pictures on web site. https://w4svi.club Pete: 2 sources: on the website. Galleries. And videos (from Doug). Posts on Main page. Steve and Pete built the new tabletop. Boom microphones purchase. Computer to be decided. Comfortable environment 2 full stations. Looks great. Icom 746 Pro repaired with full power and new display. Now 2 ICOM 746 in the shack.

Show and Tell: WB4DB -Tiny SA

New Business:
Need to paint the shack. Workday planned.
The banking situation was resolved with new signers.
Roly mentioned the Tropical Park get together on the 7/15/23.

7:53 PM Adjourned.
Art won 50-50. and donated jackpot to the club.

Tuesday night ARES (444.800): 7:00 PM. Eddie NCS.
7:30 PM Steve, W1HQL: Everglades Amateur Radio Club Information Net (442.525).
Do not forget SouthCARS 7.251. 8 am to 1 PM every day of the year.
Or Maritime Mobile Net 14.300. They take general check-ins.
Wednesday 147.150 Coral Gables Emergency Net. 7:00 PM. (Thank you Ron)
And check in on the local 2 meter and 440 nets.
ARES, Southern Florida Section, Now, Monday through Saturday. 3.940 MHZ. 7:45
Steve, W1HQL Saturday morning.
Bill, KG2CS Monday morning.
North Florida ARES Net: 3.950 7:30 PM. They call for South Florida check-ins around
7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill, KG2CS

Everglades Radio Club Minutes – June 9, 2023

President’s Report: Steven Taylor, W1HQL
Secretary Report: Secretary, Bill, KG2CS
Vice-President: Charlie N4CRE
Treasurer: Pete WB4DB $5,034.26

Treasurer’s Report: $5,034.26 (approximately) $3,937.98 (6.9.23)
Expenses: $1164.96(Go-Box). 4769.98 total balance.
New members updated and read aloud.

Introductions (7:22 PM):

Old Business:
By-Laws in progress.

New Business:
Eric Rodriguez, KF4LZA 442.525 donated. PL 94.8. Tuesday net will be held on
442.525. Other nets remain the same. W4SVI call. Our repeater.
Tables will be set up with additional extra items. Icom 746 Pro: low power issues. There
is a person in New Jersey that services older Icom equipment. Estimate asks for repairs.
Steve and Pete are looking at a bigger area to operate from (desk).

Field Day Update:
The 4 th weekend of June. 24 th and 25 th . The building opens at 7 am. An event is taking
place in the morning. They will be gone by 11 am. Field Day starts 2 PM in the
afternoon. 12 noon begins the set up. Food issues were discussed. We could self support,
or we could plan to be together. “Potluck” style buffet was agreed on.
Go-Box to be the GOTA station. We will set up front. “When all Else Fails.”

7:51 PM Adjourned.

Bill KG2CS won 50-50.

Tuesday night ARES (444.800): 7:00 PM. Eddie NCS.

7:30 PM Steve, W1HQL: Everglades Amateur Radio Club Information Net (444.800).

Do not forget SouthCARS 7.251. 8 am to 1 PM every day of the year.
Or Maritime Mobile Net 14.300. They take general check-ins.

Wednesday 147.150 Coral Gables Emergency Net. 7:00 PM. (Thank you Ron)
And check in on the local 2 meter and 440 nets.

ARES, Southern Florida Section, Now, Monday through Saturday. 3.940 MHZ. 7:45
AM. Steve, W1HQL Saturday morning and Bill, KG2CS Monday morning.

North Florida ARES Net: 3.950 7:30 PM. They call for South Florida check-ins around
7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill, KG2CS

Everglades Radio Club – May 12, 2023

President’s Report: Steven Taylor, W1HQL
Secretary Report: Secretary, Bill, KG2CS
Vice-President: Charlie N4CRE
Treasurer: Pete WB4DB $5,034.26

Treasurer’s Report: $5,034.26 (approximately) $3,937.98 (6.9.23)
Expenses: $1145 (Go-Box)

Introductions (7:22 PM): Tony Hall from the South Dade Radio Club.
One new member online. Motioned to accept minutes.

Old Business:
Field Day: June 24-25. 4th full weekend of June. Practice for emergencies. It will be the
Ag Center. The club’s members’ choice.
Go-Box update by Charlie, N4CRE.

New Business:
Steve is working on by-laws for the club. This is a follow-up from the constitution. Steve
will send out via e-mail to membership. Club station computer set up. Thank you Ryan
and Steve. Steve, W1HQL will test 5/13/23, SET test. Also, Steve did the SET test and
checked in Miami Dade. Thanks.

Alain mentioned operation “Operation Marconi” EMCOM and there are opportunities to
get certified to help during natural disasters. Joe, , gave an update on how to get

Steve gave more information on ICS 100 and 700. 600 is for space weather. (Ham radio)
Steve also talked about understanding SOP. Standard Operating Procedures. Steve gave a
scenario of total loss of communication/Internet. So, who is listening? Where? What are
the protocols? Steve mentioned calling in a brush fire out West. Radio operators was out
of band and was giving orders. The FCC fined him. (a lot). Listen, and assist. Steve
downloaded the State Watch Book. This book has all the frequencies. Thank you Steve.
Be prepared. NIFOG. National Information for Operating Guide. (From Joe). May 27,
2023, National Hurricane Center. 14,325. And other frequencies. Suzie and Alan are
involved. WX4NHC is the Hurricane Center call. Al mentioned the issue of the
handhelds on the ship. Captain said no. (none of us every had this issue)

7:51 PM Adjourned.

Milton won the 50-50.

Tuesday night ARES (444.800): 7:00 PM. Eddies NCS.
7:30 PM Steve, W1HQL: Everglades Amateur Radio Club Information Net (444.800).

Do not forget SouthCARS 7.251. 8 am to 1 PM every day of the year.
Or Maritime Mobile Net 14.300. They take general check-ins.

Wednesday 147.150 Coral Gables Emergency Net. 7:00 PM. (Thank you Ron)
And check in on the local 2 meter and 440 nets.

ARES, Southern Florida Section, Now, Monday through Saturday. 3.940 MHZ. 7:45
AM. Steve, W1HQL Saturday morning. Bill, KG2CS Monday morning.

North Florida ARES Net: 3.950 7:30 PM. They call for South Florida check-ins around
7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill, KG2CS

Everglades Radio Cub Minutes – April 14, 2023

President’s Report: Steven Taylor, W1HQL
Secretary Report: Secretary, Bill, KG2CS
Vice-President: Charlie N4CRE
Treasurer: Pete WB4DB

Treasurer’s Report: $5,034.26 (approximately)

5 renewals, and new members. Joe. Motioned to accept.

Introduction/Induction of Vice President: Charlie Rodriguez, N4CRE.
Charles Rodriguez, N4CRE, gave a brief speech.

Old Business:
Special Election Held: Charlie, N4CRE is now our Vice-President.

New Business:
Tropical Park. Ham get together. Saturday the 15 th . (Roly hosting). Pinecrest Bakery
donated food.

Alain: Florida QSO Party. 28 th , 29 th .

Pete went to symposium, The emergency manager of Miami Children’s Hospital. Steve is
going to meet with them. Pete gave an update by Miami Dade County Healthcare
Preparedness. 2 hour update. 3 slides, much interaction with agencies. Concern about
emergency communications. Filled half the room, great information sharing.

Discussion about the club station and a go-box. Have Go-Box constructed. The club will
purchase the items we may need. Some equipment already on hand. Voted in the
affirmative. Charlie, N4CRE will take the lead in the Go-Box assembly.

SET on April 22, 2023. Denial of Service. Simulated Emergency Test (North Florida

Field Day: June 24-25. 4th full weekend of June. Practice for emergencies. It will be the
Ag Center. The club’s members choice.

Joe mentioned about SarNet issues about operation. Pete, WB4DB, Activated Parks on
the Air. Xiegu 5 watts. 10 watts 19 contacts 20 meters.

7:51 PM Adjourned.
See back of minutes for additional information.

Tuesday night ARES (444.800): 7:00 PM. Eddies NCS.

7:30 PM Steve, W1HQL: Everglades Amateur Radio Club Information Net (444.800).

Do not forget SouthCARS 7.251. 8 am to 1 PM every day of the year.
Or Maritime Mobile Net 14.300. They take general check-ins.

Wednesday 147.150 Coral Gables Emergency Net. 7:00 PM. (Thank you Ron)
And check in on the local 2 meter and 440 nets.

ARES, Southern Florida Section, Now, Monday through Saturday. 3.940 MHZ. 7:45
AM. Steve, W1HQL Saturday morning.

Bill, KG2CS Monday morning.
North Florida ARES Net: 3.950 7:30 PM. They call for South Florida check-ins around
7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill, KG2CS

Everglades Radio Club Minutes – November 8, 2019

Everglades Radio Club Minutes


President’s Report: Steven Taylor, W1HQL

Secretary Report: Secretary, Bill, KG2CS.

Vice-President: Frank, AF4FU present

Treasurer: Pete WB4DB (Absent)

Treasurer’s Report: $3375.20(approx) petty cash $35.00 (tentative)


Introductions/New Business:


Steve, W1HQL did introductions.

Minutes: Motioned, approved. Louis approved.



Introductions. 3 for testing. (Success!) Motion for meeting minutes for treasurer and secretary approved.


Frank, AF4FU. Frank wants to do a VHF/UHF test for the county. 40 minute state test. 40 and 20 meters. Liaison with Monroe County. Bill, KG2CS has been in contact with Bill, WA2BY. Bill KG2cs met with him to discuss the needs of Monroe county league communication about course for basis communications, and IC 100 courses.


ARRL 001: Frank, AF4FU for ARES Report. No charge for ARES members. We have additional information. ICF courses are also going to be held on the nets. Steve is being trained as an instructor. Thank you Steve.


Winter Field Day. Bayfront Park, Homestead on the right side of the Parking lot. No issues with access and parking. Food issues will be completed separately.


Weekly Nets. 3.940. ARES net. HF drill, before Winter Field Day. Frank also has contacted the state about what other frequency. 7.268. Night Time. 14.325 Day Time. Hurricane Center/HF/VHF/Echolink available during emergencies.

Pete: now posting the net audio. With a list of check ins. Thank you Pete, very cool…..


RMS WinLink information for sending e-mails via HF. Steve will be sending e-mails. This will allow for good emergency communication. CERT for Winter Field Day about those CERT members who are not ham radio operators to be exposed to ham radio.

Weather Station has arrived. The APRS repeater failed, but we are now able to replace it.


Robert gave a presentation on power supply. 60 amp power supply. (13 dollars) total cost 23 dollars. These supplies are for critical computer equipment.


Motion to adjourn, Bill KG2CS


ARRL: HF 3.940 Saturday morning 8:00 AM. Monroe County AREA 7.188

Current Nets: (subject to change)

Tuesday Night: 7 PM American Red Cross. 146.865. 94.8 7:30 PM EARC. 444.325 Pl 156.7

Wednesday night: 7 PM. Cutler Bay 146.865. PL 94.8 Simplex 146.520. 7:30 PM Main 146.700

Thursday Night: North Dade Radio Club. 444. 800 PL 94.8

ARES: 3.940 on 7:30 AM Saturdays.

General Nets of Interest: SouthCars 7.251 8 am-1 pm (365 days a year). Sunday morning: Bill: N4LTT (former president EARC) 9:00 am. Bill, KG2CS (current secretary): 10 AM.

Maritime Mobile Net/Intercontinental Net: 14.300 10 am-10 pm. (365 days a year)

Waterway Net 7.68 7:30 am.

Adjourned 8:16 PM.

Meeting ending motion, and seconded to adjourn at 7:38 PM.

10 for testing. Successful night! Thank you all VE’s and members for your support!


Respectfully submitted,

Bill KG2CS

Everglades Radio Club Minutes – June 14, 2019

President’s Report: Steven Taylor, W1HQL

Secretary Report: Secretary, Bill, KG2CS.

Vice-President: Frank, AF4FU present (Although ailing thank you Frank)

Treasurer: Timothy Sleepy. Absent. He has resigned. Thank you for your service.

Treasurer’s Report: $3375.20(approx) petty cash $35.00

Motioned and passed. John, Pete.

Introductions/New Business: 

Steve, W1HQL did introductions. Motioned, approved.

Field Day Update. Skywarn class discussed at the Field Day site. 10:00-12:00. At the Agricultural Center. Skywarn sponsored by NOAA, and it depends on Ham radio. This important information is used by NOAA is used to calibrate the radar.

Hurricane Center/HF/VHF/Echolink. 

Pete: now posting the net audio. With a list of check ins. Thank you Pete, very cool…..

ARRL 001: Frank, AF4FU for ARES Report. No charge for ARES members. We have additional information. ICF courses are also going to be held on the nets. Steve is being trained as an instructor.

It will be helpful to be credentialed for ARES. You are going to have to credential to serve. That will be happening.

Field Day Count Down: Discussion of next weeks’s activities.

Food Discussed for Field Day: Alain is our consultant, not the full time chef.

Skywarn: 10 AM Robert Molina presenting the class (class is offered online also.

Net Information:


Current Nets: (subject to change)

Tuesday Night: 7 PM American Red Cross.  146.865. 94.8 7:30 PM EARC. 444.325 pl 156.7

Wednesday night: 7 PM. Cutler Bay 146.865. PL 94.8 Simplex 146.520. 7:30 PM Main 146.700

Thursday Night: North Dade Radio Club. 444. 800 PL 94.8

ARES: 3.940 on 7:30 AM Saturdays.

General Nets of Interest: SouthCars 7.251 8 am-1 pm (365 days a year). Sunday morning: Bill: N4LTT (former president EARC) 9:00 am.  Bill, KG2CS (current secretary): 10 AM.

Maritime Mobile Net/Intercontinental Net: 14.300 10 am-10 pm. (365 days a year)

Waterway Net 7.68 7:30 am.

Adjourned 8:16 PM.

Meeting ending motion, and seconded to adjourn at 7:38 PM.

10 for testing. Successful night! Thank you all VE’s and members for your support!

Respectfully submitted,

Bill KG2CS

Cruising the Bands: June 2019

Well there is quite a lot of report on this month. For 6-meter fans, the sporadic E season has started out better than last year. With my Ringo Ranger 100 Watts I've worked all over the eastern seaboard and as far west as Arizona. Yes, double hop. Even with the low sunspot numbers, you can have a lot of fun on 20 meters and 40 meters in the evening. Because the days are a lot longer 20 meters is stayed open a lot later in the day. I cannot tell you how many times I turned around, didn't hear much, then I called CQ and i was working pileups. So not only listen, but, transmit!

The local nets are doing well, so on Tuesdays don't forget about the American Red Cross net at 7:00 PM, and the Everglades amateur radio club net at 7:30. Also there are the Emergency Nets on Wednesday, and the North Dade amateur radio club net on Thursday at 7:00 PM.

How's DX? I have a profession that requires me to write lots of reports. And I can leave my radio on while I am working, since I am the boss. Steve, W1HQL, mentioned the other day about working South Cook Islands. Well, by golly, I got on the next day, at worked the South Cook Islands on a dead 15 meter band. Did I say turn your radio on? I know we had some club members that operated on the Florida QSO party (Alain), that is usually a fun QSO party where no pressure, just go and make some contacts. There is a recent battleship contest, although not really a contest, it was fun to talk to folks all around the country operating from battleships. Being from New Jersey, I spoke to my friends on the battleship New Jersey, and I hadn't spoken to them in years. Lots of fun.

CQ Field CQ Field CQ Field Day. W4SVI will be operating field day on the 4th weekend of the month which is June 22nd, and June 23rd. At 10:00 AM on the 22nd, there will be a SkyWarn class for those of you who are interested, and all this fun is taking place in the Agricultural Center. The testing with the club continues to go well, along with many club members stepping up the mentor some of our younger hams.

Well I hope to see you all on Field Day!

73’s Bill KG2CS

Everglades Radio Club Minutes – May 10, 2019

President’s Report: Steven Taylor, W1HQL

Secretary Report: Secretary, Bill, KG2CS.

Vice-President: Frank, AF4FU Absent

Treasurer: Timothy Sleepy. Absent

Treasurer’s Report: $3375.20(approx) petty cash $35.00

Motioned and passed. John, Pete.

Introductions/New Business: 

Steve, W1HQL did introductions. Motioned, approved.

Field Day Update. Skywarn class discussed at the Field Day site. 10:00-12:00. At the Agricultural Center. Skywarn sponsored by NOAA, and it depends on Ham radio. This important information is used by NOAA is used to calibrate the radar.

Hurricane Center/HF/VHF/Echolink. 

Old Business: Robert volunteered to program Baefeng handi-talkies. Pete discussed the site for logos. Pete and Doug are heading up the committee for the radio room enhancements. (future plans) Steve mentioned we already have 3 new chairs donated by the City of Homestead.

Discussion of Free membership: Newly licensed (only) will have one year free membership. Bill KG2CS made a motion, passed unanimous. Steve mentioned the Fusion repeater and the discussion of the club having our own internet for Comcast. Steve is negioating a price as a volunteer organization. Discussion of IT systems. ATT is the provider for the Ag Center. Steve will follow up.

Not too early to think about Field Day. 1 more meeting until Field Day. 6/14/19.

Net information:


Current Nets: (subject to change)

Tuesday Night: 7 PM American Red Cross.  146.865. 94.8 7:30 PM EARC. 444.325 pl 156.7

Wednesday night: 7 PM. Cutler Bay 146.865. PL 94.8 Simplex 146.520. 7:30 PM Main 146.700

Thursday Night: North Dade Radio Club. 444. 800 PL 94.8

ARES: 3.940 on 7:30 AM Saturdays.

General Nets of Interest: SouthCars 7.251 8 am-1 pm (365 days a year). Sunday morning: Bill: N4LTT (former president EARC) 9:00 am.  Bill, KG2CS (current secretary): 10 AM.

Maritime Mobile Net/Intercontinental Net: 14.300 10 am-10 pm. (365 days a year)

Waterway Net 7.68 7:30 am.

Adjourned 8:16 PM.

Meeting ending motion, and seconded to adjourn at 7:38 PM.

9 for testing. Successful night! Thank you all VE’s and members for your support!

Respectfully submitted,

Bill KG2CS

Everglades Radio Club Minutes – April 12, 2019

President’s Report: Steven Taylor, W1HQL

Secretary Report: Secretary, Bill, KG2CS.

Vice-President: Frank, AF4FU Absent

Treasurer: Timothy Sleepy.   

Treasurer’s Report: $3375.20(approx) petty cash $35.00

Motioned and passed. John, Pete.

Introductions/New Business: 

Stevc, W1HQL did introductions.

Frank MCP gave a report on the Free Flea. 40 to 50 attendees. We had a great time. Suggested for 3 times a year. Steve also mentioned the importance of networking with ARRL.

Discussion of Free membership. Newly licensed (only) will have one year free membership. Bill KG2CS made a motion, passed unanimous.

Steve mentioned the Fusion repeater and the discussion of the club having our own internet for Comcast. Steve is negioating a price as a volunteer organization. Discussion of IT systems. ATT is the provider for the Ag Center. Steve will follow up.

Robert volunteered to program Baefeng handi-talkies.

Pete discussed the site for logos. Pete and Doug are heading up the committee for the radio room enhancements. We already have 3 new chairs donated by the City of Homestead.

Pete gave presentation on packet APRS radio interface. Very cool technology. Can even send text messages! A lot of technology in a small package. Around 120 dollars.

Not too early to think about Field Day. 2 more meetings until Field Day.



Current Nets: (subject to change)

Tuesday Night: 7 PM American Red Cross.  146.865. 94.8 7:30 PM EARC. 444.325 pl 156.7

Wednesday night: 7 PM. Cutler Bay 146.865. Simplex 146.520. 7:30 PM Main 146.700

Thursday Night: North Dade Radio Club. 444. 800 PL 94.8

ARES: 3.940 on 7:30 AM Saturdays.

General Nets of Interest: Southcars 7.251 8 am-1 pm (365 days a year). Sunday morning: Bill: N4LTT (former president EARC) 9:00 am.  Bill, KG2CS: 10 AM.

Maritime Mobile Net/Intercontinental Net: 14.300 10 am-10 pm. (365 days a year)

Waterway Net 7.68 7:30 am.

Adjourned 8:16 PM.

Meeting ending motion, and seconded to adjourn at 7:38 PM.

3 for testing.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill KG2CS

Everglades Radio Club Minutes – March 8, 2019

President’s Report: Steven Taylor, W1HQL

Secretary Report: Secretary, Bill, KG2CS.

Vice-President: Frank, AF4FU

Treasurer: Timothy Sleepy.   

Treasurer’s Report: $3266.20.00(approx) petty cash $35.00

Motion to accept and passed. (per Pete and Frank)

Introductions/New Business: 

Stevc, W1HQL did introductions.

Free Flea: April 6, 2019. ( a successful event)

Presentation on tower. On the 16th  a work was held party at the Ag Center. It was a success. It completed the antenna raising. HF, dual band and APRS. The club is on the air! Not too early to think about Field Day.

Frank: APRS up and running. Solar power, Some trial and error, but so far so good. 30 mile radius. You must register to receive messages.

Corporate status us up to date.

Pete gave update to order shirts, caps, mugs with the club logo. Pete solicited ideas about the shirt, we don’t deal with anything, it just goes through website. We get some of the proceeds though the site.

The standard logo was presented, but we could have  a new logo if we choose to. May meeting deadline to review.

Frank leading the repeater group to get the repeater (Fusion). We need to know the bandwidth and it may be quite inexpensive.

Steve also mentioned the radio room, we need to talk about the future of the room to promote amateur radio.

Frank talked about narrow band repeater and Joe talked about the loss of 3 db of range (technical stuff).



Current Nets: (subject to change)

Tuesday Night: 7 PM American Red Cross. 7:30 PM EARC. 146.865.

Cutler Bay 146.865. PL 94.5. This will be the net repeater for the moment.

Wednesday night: 7 PM. Cutler Bay 146.865. Simplex 146.520. 7:30 PM Main 146.700

Thursday Night: North Dade Radio Club. 444. 800 PL 94.5

ARES: 3.940 on 7:30 AM Saturdays.

General Nets of Interest: Southcars 7.251 8 am-1 pm (365 days a year). Sunday morning: Bill: N4LTT (former president EARC) 9:00 am.  Bill, KG2CS: 10 AM.

Maritime Mobile Net/Intercontinental Net: 14.300 10 am-10 pm. (365 days a year)

Waterway Net 7.68 7:30 am.

Adjourned 8:16 PM.

Meeting ending motion, and seconded to adjourn at 7:38 PM.

3 for testing.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill KG2CS