Everglades Radio Club – May 12, 2023

President’s Report: Steven Taylor, W1HQL
Secretary Report: Secretary, Bill, KG2CS
Vice-President: Charlie N4CRE
Treasurer: Pete WB4DB $5,034.26

Treasurer’s Report: $5,034.26 (approximately) $3,937.98 (6.9.23)
Expenses: $1145 (Go-Box)

Introductions (7:22 PM): Tony Hall from the South Dade Radio Club.
One new member online. Motioned to accept minutes.

Old Business:
Field Day: June 24-25. 4th full weekend of June. Practice for emergencies. It will be the
Ag Center. The club’s members’ choice.
Go-Box update by Charlie, N4CRE.

New Business:
Steve is working on by-laws for the club. This is a follow-up from the constitution. Steve
will send out via e-mail to membership. Club station computer set up. Thank you Ryan
and Steve. Steve, W1HQL will test 5/13/23, SET test. Also, Steve did the SET test and
checked in Miami Dade. Thanks.

Alain mentioned operation “Operation Marconi” EMCOM and there are opportunities to
get certified to help during natural disasters. Joe, , gave an update on how to get

Steve gave more information on ICS 100 and 700. 600 is for space weather. (Ham radio)
Steve also talked about understanding SOP. Standard Operating Procedures. Steve gave a
scenario of total loss of communication/Internet. So, who is listening? Where? What are
the protocols? Steve mentioned calling in a brush fire out West. Radio operators was out
of band and was giving orders. The FCC fined him. (a lot). Listen, and assist. Steve
downloaded the State Watch Book. This book has all the frequencies. Thank you Steve.
Be prepared. NIFOG. National Information for Operating Guide. (From Joe). May 27,
2023, National Hurricane Center. 14,325. And other frequencies. Suzie and Alan are
involved. WX4NHC is the Hurricane Center call. Al mentioned the issue of the
handhelds on the ship. Captain said no. (none of us every had this issue)

7:51 PM Adjourned.

Milton won the 50-50.

Tuesday night ARES (444.800): 7:00 PM. Eddies NCS.
7:30 PM Steve, W1HQL: Everglades Amateur Radio Club Information Net (444.800).

Do not forget SouthCARS 7.251. 8 am to 1 PM every day of the year.
Or Maritime Mobile Net 14.300. They take general check-ins.

Wednesday 147.150 Coral Gables Emergency Net. 7:00 PM. (Thank you Ron)
And check in on the local 2 meter and 440 nets.

ARES, Southern Florida Section, Now, Monday through Saturday. 3.940 MHZ. 7:45
AM. Steve, W1HQL Saturday morning. Bill, KG2CS Monday morning.

North Florida ARES Net: 3.950 7:30 PM. They call for South Florida check-ins around
7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill, KG2CS