Everglades Radio Club Minutes – July 14, 2023

President: Steven Taylor, W1HQL
Secretary: Bill, KG2CS
Vice-President: Charlie N4CRE
Treasurer: Pete WB4DB

Balance: $4,661.51
Checking: $3,056.55
Cash: 722.98
Cheddar Up: $881.47

Expenses: $149.79
$149.79 N4CRE - GoBox - Solar panels

Donations: $702
$1 - N4CRE - 50/50 Keep the change Donation
$1 - KF4UJX - 50/50 Keep the change Donation

Introductions (7:12 PM)

Field Day Wrap-up:
20 meters was very good (328 contacts). 14, 270. Great fun. 48 contacts by Rafael.
Pictures on web site. https://w4svi.club Pete: 2 sources: on the website. Galleries. And videos (from Doug). Posts on Main page. Steve and Pete built the new tabletop. Boom microphones purchase. Computer to be decided. Comfortable environment 2 full stations. Looks great. Icom 746 Pro repaired with full power and new display. Now 2 ICOM 746 in the shack.

Show and Tell: WB4DB -Tiny SA

New Business:
Need to paint the shack. Workday planned.
The banking situation was resolved with new signers.
Roly mentioned the Tropical Park get together on the 7/15/23.

7:53 PM Adjourned.
Art won 50-50. and donated jackpot to the club.

Tuesday night ARES (444.800): 7:00 PM. Eddie NCS.
7:30 PM Steve, W1HQL: Everglades Amateur Radio Club Information Net (442.525).
Do not forget SouthCARS 7.251. 8 am to 1 PM every day of the year.
Or Maritime Mobile Net 14.300. They take general check-ins.
Wednesday 147.150 Coral Gables Emergency Net. 7:00 PM. (Thank you Ron)
And check in on the local 2 meter and 440 nets.
ARES, Southern Florida Section, Now, Monday through Saturday. 3.940 MHZ. 7:45
Steve, W1HQL Saturday morning.
Bill, KG2CS Monday morning.
North Florida ARES Net: 3.950 7:30 PM. They call for South Florida check-ins around
7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill, KG2CS