Cruising the Bands: June 2019

Well there is quite a lot of report on this month. For 6-meter fans, the sporadic E season has started out better than last year. With my Ringo Ranger 100 Watts I've worked all over the eastern seaboard and as far west as Arizona. Yes, double hop. Even with the low sunspot numbers, you can have a lot of fun on 20 meters and 40 meters in the evening. Because the days are a lot longer 20 meters is stayed open a lot later in the day. I cannot tell you how many times I turned around, didn't hear much, then I called CQ and i was working pileups. So not only listen, but, transmit!

The local nets are doing well, so on Tuesdays don't forget about the American Red Cross net at 7:00 PM, and the Everglades amateur radio club net at 7:30. Also there are the Emergency Nets on Wednesday, and the North Dade amateur radio club net on Thursday at 7:00 PM.

How's DX? I have a profession that requires me to write lots of reports. And I can leave my radio on while I am working, since I am the boss. Steve, W1HQL, mentioned the other day about working South Cook Islands. Well, by golly, I got on the next day, at worked the South Cook Islands on a dead 15 meter band. Did I say turn your radio on? I know we had some club members that operated on the Florida QSO party (Alain), that is usually a fun QSO party where no pressure, just go and make some contacts. There is a recent battleship contest, although not really a contest, it was fun to talk to folks all around the country operating from battleships. Being from New Jersey, I spoke to my friends on the battleship New Jersey, and I hadn't spoken to them in years. Lots of fun.

CQ Field CQ Field CQ Field Day. W4SVI will be operating field day on the 4th weekend of the month which is June 22nd, and June 23rd. At 10:00 AM on the 22nd, there will be a SkyWarn class for those of you who are interested, and all this fun is taking place in the Agricultural Center. The testing with the club continues to go well, along with many club members stepping up the mentor some of our younger hams.

Well I hope to see you all on Field Day!

73’s Bill KG2CS