Everglades Radio Club Minutes – June 9, 2023

President’s Report: Steven Taylor, W1HQL
Secretary Report: Secretary, Bill, KG2CS
Vice-President: Charlie N4CRE
Treasurer: Pete WB4DB $5,034.26

Treasurer’s Report: $5,034.26 (approximately) $3,937.98 (6.9.23)
Expenses: $1164.96(Go-Box). 4769.98 total balance.
New members updated and read aloud.

Introductions (7:22 PM):

Old Business:
By-Laws in progress.

New Business:
Eric Rodriguez, KF4LZA 442.525 donated. PL 94.8. Tuesday net will be held on
442.525. Other nets remain the same. W4SVI call. Our repeater.
Tables will be set up with additional extra items. Icom 746 Pro: low power issues. There
is a person in New Jersey that services older Icom equipment. Estimate asks for repairs.
Steve and Pete are looking at a bigger area to operate from (desk).

Field Day Update:
The 4 th weekend of June. 24 th and 25 th . The building opens at 7 am. An event is taking
place in the morning. They will be gone by 11 am. Field Day starts 2 PM in the
afternoon. 12 noon begins the set up. Food issues were discussed. We could self support,
or we could plan to be together. “Potluck” style buffet was agreed on.
Go-Box to be the GOTA station. We will set up front. “When all Else Fails.”

7:51 PM Adjourned.

Bill KG2CS won 50-50.

Tuesday night ARES (444.800): 7:00 PM. Eddie NCS.

7:30 PM Steve, W1HQL: Everglades Amateur Radio Club Information Net (444.800).

Do not forget SouthCARS 7.251. 8 am to 1 PM every day of the year.
Or Maritime Mobile Net 14.300. They take general check-ins.

Wednesday 147.150 Coral Gables Emergency Net. 7:00 PM. (Thank you Ron)
And check in on the local 2 meter and 440 nets.

ARES, Southern Florida Section, Now, Monday through Saturday. 3.940 MHZ. 7:45
AM. Steve, W1HQL Saturday morning and Bill, KG2CS Monday morning.

North Florida ARES Net: 3.950 7:30 PM. They call for South Florida check-ins around
7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill, KG2CS

Everglades Radio Club – May 12, 2023

President’s Report: Steven Taylor, W1HQL
Secretary Report: Secretary, Bill, KG2CS
Vice-President: Charlie N4CRE
Treasurer: Pete WB4DB $5,034.26

Treasurer’s Report: $5,034.26 (approximately) $3,937.98 (6.9.23)
Expenses: $1145 (Go-Box)

Introductions (7:22 PM): Tony Hall from the South Dade Radio Club.
One new member online. Motioned to accept minutes.

Old Business:
Field Day: June 24-25. 4th full weekend of June. Practice for emergencies. It will be the
Ag Center. The club’s members’ choice.
Go-Box update by Charlie, N4CRE.

New Business:
Steve is working on by-laws for the club. This is a follow-up from the constitution. Steve
will send out via e-mail to membership. Club station computer set up. Thank you Ryan
and Steve. Steve, W1HQL will test 5/13/23, SET test. Also, Steve did the SET test and
checked in Miami Dade. Thanks.

Alain mentioned operation “Operation Marconi” EMCOM and there are opportunities to
get certified to help during natural disasters. Joe, , gave an update on how to get

Steve gave more information on ICS 100 and 700. 600 is for space weather. (Ham radio)
Steve also talked about understanding SOP. Standard Operating Procedures. Steve gave a
scenario of total loss of communication/Internet. So, who is listening? Where? What are
the protocols? Steve mentioned calling in a brush fire out West. Radio operators was out
of band and was giving orders. The FCC fined him. (a lot). Listen, and assist. Steve
downloaded the State Watch Book. This book has all the frequencies. Thank you Steve.
Be prepared. NIFOG. National Information for Operating Guide. (From Joe). May 27,
2023, National Hurricane Center. 14,325. And other frequencies. Suzie and Alan are
involved. WX4NHC is the Hurricane Center call. Al mentioned the issue of the
handhelds on the ship. Captain said no. (none of us every had this issue)

7:51 PM Adjourned.

Milton won the 50-50.

Tuesday night ARES (444.800): 7:00 PM. Eddies NCS.
7:30 PM Steve, W1HQL: Everglades Amateur Radio Club Information Net (444.800).

Do not forget SouthCARS 7.251. 8 am to 1 PM every day of the year.
Or Maritime Mobile Net 14.300. They take general check-ins.

Wednesday 147.150 Coral Gables Emergency Net. 7:00 PM. (Thank you Ron)
And check in on the local 2 meter and 440 nets.

ARES, Southern Florida Section, Now, Monday through Saturday. 3.940 MHZ. 7:45
AM. Steve, W1HQL Saturday morning. Bill, KG2CS Monday morning.

North Florida ARES Net: 3.950 7:30 PM. They call for South Florida check-ins around
7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill, KG2CS

Everglades Radio Cub Minutes – April 14, 2023

President’s Report: Steven Taylor, W1HQL
Secretary Report: Secretary, Bill, KG2CS
Vice-President: Charlie N4CRE
Treasurer: Pete WB4DB

Treasurer’s Report: $5,034.26 (approximately)

5 renewals, and new members. Joe. Motioned to accept.

Introduction/Induction of Vice President: Charlie Rodriguez, N4CRE.
Charles Rodriguez, N4CRE, gave a brief speech.

Old Business:
Special Election Held: Charlie, N4CRE is now our Vice-President.

New Business:
Tropical Park. Ham get together. Saturday the 15 th . (Roly hosting). Pinecrest Bakery
donated food.

Alain: Florida QSO Party. 28 th , 29 th .

Pete went to symposium, The emergency manager of Miami Children’s Hospital. Steve is
going to meet with them. Pete gave an update by Miami Dade County Healthcare
Preparedness. 2 hour update. 3 slides, much interaction with agencies. Concern about
emergency communications. Filled half the room, great information sharing.

Discussion about the club station and a go-box. Have Go-Box constructed. The club will
purchase the items we may need. Some equipment already on hand. Voted in the
affirmative. Charlie, N4CRE will take the lead in the Go-Box assembly.

SET on April 22, 2023. Denial of Service. Simulated Emergency Test (North Florida

Field Day: June 24-25. 4th full weekend of June. Practice for emergencies. It will be the
Ag Center. The club’s members choice.

Joe mentioned about SarNet issues about operation. Pete, WB4DB, Activated Parks on
the Air. Xiegu 5 watts. 10 watts 19 contacts 20 meters.

7:51 PM Adjourned.
See back of minutes for additional information.

Tuesday night ARES (444.800): 7:00 PM. Eddies NCS.

7:30 PM Steve, W1HQL: Everglades Amateur Radio Club Information Net (444.800).

Do not forget SouthCARS 7.251. 8 am to 1 PM every day of the year.
Or Maritime Mobile Net 14.300. They take general check-ins.

Wednesday 147.150 Coral Gables Emergency Net. 7:00 PM. (Thank you Ron)
And check in on the local 2 meter and 440 nets.

ARES, Southern Florida Section, Now, Monday through Saturday. 3.940 MHZ. 7:45
AM. Steve, W1HQL Saturday morning.

Bill, KG2CS Monday morning.
North Florida ARES Net: 3.950 7:30 PM. They call for South Florida check-ins around
7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill, KG2CS

Last Call Net for Luis KI4VEY

As you undoubtedly know by now, our Ham brother and club Vice President, Luis Piñon KI4VEY, is a silent key. If you would like to listen to the net, where club President Steve Taylor W1HQL, made the Last Call for him, please click below.

Baofeng… Zero to Hero

So, you got your “ticket" because your friend said it was a good idea and you had nothing better to do that day.  Then, since you didn’t know if you were actually going to like this ham radio stuff, you decided to dip your toe in the water and buy the cheapest radio you could find on Amazon… the Baofeng UV-5R.  Ok, great! Now what? 

Well, I am sure you want to hear some people chat and, eventually, build up the courage to say hello yourself and maybe even have a conversation with others.   Ok, so go outside, punch in the VHF calling frequency, throw out your callsign, let everyone know that you are monitoring and sit back and basque in the glory brought forth by the throngs of people that have been waiting for this particular moment in time. The moment of your arrival on the air waves. Wait… no one came back to you after going hoarse calling CQ on simplex? Ok, ok… maybe you need to expand your possibilities by using a repeater.  

Here we go… punch in the repeater frequency of the nearest repeater, set the offset and PL Tone, throw out your callsign and wait for the comeback.

 Oh, I see. You don’t know half of the things I just told you to do? No worries, that is what we are here for… to help each other out.  

Let’s take it back to the basics.  Get a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage, sit back in your comfortable computer chair and watch Ham Radio Crash Course’s video on everything you need to do with your new Baofeng UV-5R (or whatever your new radio of choice happens to be).  

Josh, KI6NAZ, will show you...

  •  What a Baofeng is (and what it is not)
  •  How to program your radio manually
  • How to download and install CHIRP to program your radio using your computer
  • Fun things to do with your radio like send pictures using SSTV or how to use APRS


For Club Member Review.
Send recommended amendments to:


We, the undersigned, wishing to secure for ourselves the pleasures and benefits of an association of persons commonly interested in Amateur Radio, constitute ourselves the:


and enact this constitution as our governing law. It shall be our purpose to further the exchange of information and cooperation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternal-ism and individual operating efficiency, and to so conduct club programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio in the community.

Article I

All persons interested in Amateur Radio communications shall be eligible for membership. Membership shall be by application and or election upon such terms as the club shall provide in its By-Laws. Membership may not be denied because of race, creed, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status or any other reason that would be biased or prejudicial.

Article II

Section. 1.

The officers of this club shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Section. 2.

The officers of this club shall be elected for a term of one year by ballot of the members present, provided there be a quorum, at the annual meeting or by electronic balloting for certified club members only.

Section 3.
Term limits

An individual may not hold the same office for more than two terms and my not serve more than three consecutive terms as an officer. An individual may not hold more than one office during the same term.

Section. 4.

Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by special elections at the first regular meeting following the withdrawal or resignation.

Section 5.

In order to hold an office an individual must be a member in good standing for at least one year and hold a valid Amateur Radio license.

Section 6.

Any officer may resign his/her position in writing at which time all records and assets of the club will be turned over to the President or Vice President.

Section 7.
Removal of Officers

Officers may be removed from office for cause, upon written petition of six (6) or more members presented to the President or Vice President. After investigation the petition will be presented to the membership at the next regular meeting of the club and a voted on by the membership. Removal of an officer requires a three-fourths vote of the full membership. Voting will be done via electronic ballots by certified members only.

Article III
Duties of Officers

Section. 1.

The President shall preside at all meetings, and conduct them according to the rules adopted. He/she shall enforce due observance of this Constitution and By-Laws; decide all questions of order; sign all official documents adopted by the club, and perform all other duties pertaining to the office of President.

Section. 2.
Vice President

The Vice-President shall assume all the duties of the President in his/her absence. In addition, he/she shall assist with the coordination of organized club activities, plan and recommend contests for operating benefits, and advance club interest and activity as approved by the club.
These tasks will always be a collaborative effort of all club officers and or selected members.
He/she shall maintain close liaison with the local ARRL's local ARES ® Emergency Coordinator to further club participation in the Amateur Radio Emergency Service.

Section. 3.

The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings, keep a roll of members, submit membership applications, carry on all correspondence, read communications at each meeting, and mail written meeting notices to each member. At the expiration of his/her term he/she shall turn over all items belonging to the club to his/her successor.

Section. 4.

The Treasurer shall receive and receipt for all monies paid to the club; keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended; pay no bills without proper authorization (by the club or its officers constituting a business committee). At the end of each quarter he/she shall submit an itemized statement of disbursements and receipts. At the end of his/her term he/she shall turn over everything in his/her possession belonging to the club to his/her successor.

Article IV

The By-Laws shall provide for regular and special meetings. At meetings, a minimum of one-third of the membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Article V

The club, by majority vote of those present at any regular meeting, may levy upon the general membership such dues or assessments as shall be deemed necessary for the business of the organization. Non-payment of such dues or assessments shall be cause for expulsion from the club within the discretion of the membership.

Article VI
Membership Assistance

The club, through designated interference, Public Relations, and Operating Committees will provide technical advice to members concerning equipment design and operation to assist in frequency observance, clean signals, uniform practice, and absence of spurious radiation's from club member-stations. The club shall also maintain a program to foster and guide public relations.

Article VII
Club Call Sign

The President shall assign trusteeship of the club call sign. The trustee shall: Be a member of the club in good standing Meet FCC requirements. Not had his/her Radio Amateur licensed revoked or sanctioned at any time.

Article VIII
Dissolution of The Club

Section 1.
Termination of Operations

In the event that the Board of Director votes that the Club should be dissolved the motion for dissolution must receive more than two thirds vote of the full membership to pass. Section 2. Disposition of Assets The Board of Directors shall handle the disbursement of all assets of the club. No member or group of members shall receive benefit from the assets. All equipment will be sold and net proceeds donated to a non-profit organisation. All remaining cash will be donated to a non-profit organisation.

Article IX

This constitution or By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the total membership. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next following regular meeting, provided all members have been noticed by mail of the intent to amend the constitution and/or By-Laws at said meeting.

SDR-Control App

Last week, I found myself with a "1st World" problem… I could not hit my local repeater from inside the workplace with my HT. What's a ham to do during lunch time… just sit there and eat? No way! There had to be a way without deploying heftier radios and antennas.

A couple of days later, While eating my spaghetti and meatballs , I sat there wishing I could play radio with the same great performance of my base station gear while not at home, so I began looking around the inter-webs. Then, I came across a software package that provided me with just the solution I was looking for. The app let me connect to my Icom IC-705 remotely, using my laptop or my iPad. It provided me most, if not all, of the functionality I would have if I were sitting in front of my radio at home. It is extremely intuitive and a piece of cake to set up. The audio coming through is clear as day and, as far as I can tell, the audio I am sending out is just as good, with zero to no latency. In fact, a couple of my fellow hams… Tim, KM4DFR and Charlie, N4CRE, have given me great signal reports. Thank you.

The app is called SDR-Control and more information can be found at https://roskosch.de/sdr-control/

With the good, comes the bad. In this case, the possible "bad" for you might be the limited radios the app supports (i.e. Icom IC-705, Icom IC-9700 and the Icom IC-7610) and the price of the app. However, it all depends on your perspective. I am a firm believer of supporting developers if they provide me with quality software. Your opinion may vary.

Lots of YouTubers, including Josh, KI4NAZ, go into more depth in his video below, so make sure you check it out before making your decision.