New Year Greeting From The Shack of W1HQL

Well Happy New Year Almost....

This wil be the last blast to the current email list I have in the RMS System for the year 2,019 AD.....

As you well know that in the past 2,019 years alot of events have occured to shape who and what we are today. If you look at the time line, amateur radio is still in its infancy. Who knows what the future may bring to our hobby, That alone is what makes our hobby it so interesting....Somehow I think amateur radio will figure out how to communicate with the floks that will be settleing on Mars in the not so distant future....I hope I am still around to witness that!

Remember the Amatuer in Radio does not mean we are beginners.......It translates to (For the Love Of) in French.

I just wanted to send out this last email to wish all of you a Happy New Year and to divert from the traditional New Year Greeting and extend to you a heartfelt thank you for your friendship in 2019 and the past years we have been aquainted.
Looking forward to another great year that I hope is exciting and eventful for us as Amateur Radio Hobbiests.

See you all Next Year....

73 de W1HQL

Everglades Radio Club Minutes – November 8, 2019

Everglades Radio Club Minutes


President’s Report: Steven Taylor, W1HQL

Secretary Report: Secretary, Bill, KG2CS.

Vice-President: Frank, AF4FU present

Treasurer: Pete WB4DB (Absent)

Treasurer’s Report: $3375.20(approx) petty cash $35.00 (tentative)


Introductions/New Business:


Steve, W1HQL did introductions.

Minutes: Motioned, approved. Louis approved.



Introductions. 3 for testing. (Success!) Motion for meeting minutes for treasurer and secretary approved.


Frank, AF4FU. Frank wants to do a VHF/UHF test for the county. 40 minute state test. 40 and 20 meters. Liaison with Monroe County. Bill, KG2CS has been in contact with Bill, WA2BY. Bill KG2cs met with him to discuss the needs of Monroe county league communication about course for basis communications, and IC 100 courses.


ARRL 001: Frank, AF4FU for ARES Report. No charge for ARES members. We have additional information. ICF courses are also going to be held on the nets. Steve is being trained as an instructor. Thank you Steve.


Winter Field Day. Bayfront Park, Homestead on the right side of the Parking lot. No issues with access and parking. Food issues will be completed separately.


Weekly Nets. 3.940. ARES net. HF drill, before Winter Field Day. Frank also has contacted the state about what other frequency. 7.268. Night Time. 14.325 Day Time. Hurricane Center/HF/VHF/Echolink available during emergencies.

Pete: now posting the net audio. With a list of check ins. Thank you Pete, very cool…..


RMS WinLink information for sending e-mails via HF. Steve will be sending e-mails. This will allow for good emergency communication. CERT for Winter Field Day about those CERT members who are not ham radio operators to be exposed to ham radio.

Weather Station has arrived. The APRS repeater failed, but we are now able to replace it.


Robert gave a presentation on power supply. 60 amp power supply. (13 dollars) total cost 23 dollars. These supplies are for critical computer equipment.


Motion to adjourn, Bill KG2CS


ARRL: HF 3.940 Saturday morning 8:00 AM. Monroe County AREA 7.188

Current Nets: (subject to change)

Tuesday Night: 7 PM American Red Cross. 146.865. 94.8 7:30 PM EARC. 444.325 Pl 156.7

Wednesday night: 7 PM. Cutler Bay 146.865. PL 94.8 Simplex 146.520. 7:30 PM Main 146.700

Thursday Night: North Dade Radio Club. 444. 800 PL 94.8

ARES: 3.940 on 7:30 AM Saturdays.

General Nets of Interest: SouthCars 7.251 8 am-1 pm (365 days a year). Sunday morning: Bill: N4LTT (former president EARC) 9:00 am. Bill, KG2CS (current secretary): 10 AM.

Maritime Mobile Net/Intercontinental Net: 14.300 10 am-10 pm. (365 days a year)

Waterway Net 7.68 7:30 am.

Adjourned 8:16 PM.

Meeting ending motion, and seconded to adjourn at 7:38 PM.

10 for testing. Successful night! Thank you all VE’s and members for your support!


Respectfully submitted,

Bill KG2CS