Bidding is Now Underway – Out of This World ARISS Auction!

April 8, 2019  The bidding has begun!  The Out of This World ARISS Auction is speeding along!  It will run until April 14th at 22:00 UTC. 

Bidders are moving fast hoping to garner a special astronaut signed brand new JVC Kenwood TS-890S—Bidding is done by going and pressing the Auction Website button or by visiting  Similar for bidding on aspecial astronaut signed 6-volume boxed set 2019 ARRL Handbook, but a different URL is used—see

Thanks to JVC Kenwood and ARRL, proceeds from the on-line auction will benefit ARISS in its quest to launch a new custom-built higher-power radio system in late 2019 with its voice repeater and improved packet APRS and SSTV capability that thousands of hams can enjoy. The new system will replace the aging, problematic units currently on the ISS.  ARISS also needs funding to keep introducing ham radio to thousands of students, teachers, parents, and whole communities—and inspiring students about STEM and radio. 

Kenwood has been a super supporter of ARISS for years, and it was the company’s idea for this special radio to be an exclusive for one ham to own. The limited edition boxed set 2019 ARRL Handbook sold out fast last fall but ARRL saved back one set for ARISS's fund-raiser.  AMSAT-NA, another ARISS sponsor, provided parts of the auction infrastructure.  ARISS is thankful for all of its great sponsors and supporters! 

If auctions aren't your thing, please contribute a donation to ARISS—look for the Donate button near the top right corner page or email

SSTV Event Scheduled from the ISS


April 8, 2019:

ARISS Russia is planning Slow Scan Television (SSTV) image
transmissions from the International Space Station.

The transmissions begin Thursday, April 11, 2019 around 18:00 UTC and run
continuously until approximately 18:00 UTC on Sunday, April 14, 2019.

This event uses a computer in the ISS Russian Segment, which stores images
thatare then transmitted to Earth using the ARISS amateur radio station
located in the Service Module which employs the Kenwood TM D710E transceiver.

Once these images are received by ham radio operators and
other radio enthusiasts on Earth, many participants will post them for
viewing at

In addition, you can receive a special SSTV ARISS Award for posting
your image.

Once the event begins, see details at [2] . The transmissions will be
broadcast at 145.800 MHz using the PD-120 SSTV mode.

Please note that the event is dependent on other activities, schedules
and crew responsibilities on the ISS and are subject to change at any

Please check for news and the most current information on the and websites, the, the ARISS
facebook at Amateur Radio On The International Space Station (ARISS)
and ARISS twitter@ARISS_status.


It’s QSO party time!!  Here are the upcoming QSO Parties in the
Southeastern Division. Checkout each website for complete information.

Georgia QSO Party, 
April 13th, 1800z to 0359Z and April 14th, 1400Z to 2359z.

Florida QSO Party, 
April 27th, 1600Z through 2159Z April 28th, 2019

Alabama QSO Party,  
September 7th, 1500Z through 0300Z on September 8th, 2019.
Check AQP website later for updates.

Tri Annual EARC – Free Flea





What’s a free flea? It’s a small fleamarket for amateur radio operators (hams) to buy and sell used radio related gear. It serves as a way for local radio operators to barter off gear they no longer need, meet others in the hobby, and just enjoy a few hours of face to face chat.

Do you have to be in a radio club or have a radio license to attend? Nope! The free flea is open to all who have an interest in electronics or radio. Interested in getting your license? Come by and visit. There will be plenty of people willing to answer your questions.

For those who are already hams, talk in will be 444.700, no PL.

  • We are advertised on..
  • Craigslist
  • Facebook
  • South Dade Chamber of Commerce Events Calendar
  • South Dade News Leader
  • Eventbrite events Calendar
  • Yelp Events

pray for no rain and bring your stuff!


73 de ke4mcl

Light Up 2 Meters Night… An FM Simplex Event

March 24th is Light Up 2 Meters Night from 6PM to 8PM local time. Get on the air and make as many contacts with your fellow local hams as possible and have a blast doing it. I recommend that you start off on 146.520 and move to your frequency of choice once someone comes back to you.

Find out a bit more info by visiting W5KV's blog or watch the short video below.
Light up the airwaves on March 24th from 6-8 PM local time.

Everglades Radio Club Minutes – March 8, 2019

President’s Report: Steven Taylor, W1HQL

Secretary Report: Secretary, Bill, KG2CS.

Vice-President: Frank, AF4FU

Treasurer: Timothy Sleepy.   

Treasurer’s Report: $3266.20.00(approx) petty cash $35.00

Motion to accept and passed. (per Pete and Frank)

Introductions/New Business: 

Stevc, W1HQL did introductions.

Free Flea: April 6, 2019. ( a successful event)

Presentation on tower. On the 16th  a work was held party at the Ag Center. It was a success. It completed the antenna raising. HF, dual band and APRS. The club is on the air! Not too early to think about Field Day.

Frank: APRS up and running. Solar power, Some trial and error, but so far so good. 30 mile radius. You must register to receive messages.

Corporate status us up to date.

Pete gave update to order shirts, caps, mugs with the club logo. Pete solicited ideas about the shirt, we don’t deal with anything, it just goes through website. We get some of the proceeds though the site.

The standard logo was presented, but we could have  a new logo if we choose to. May meeting deadline to review.

Frank leading the repeater group to get the repeater (Fusion). We need to know the bandwidth and it may be quite inexpensive.

Steve also mentioned the radio room, we need to talk about the future of the room to promote amateur radio.

Frank talked about narrow band repeater and Joe talked about the loss of 3 db of range (technical stuff).



Current Nets: (subject to change)

Tuesday Night: 7 PM American Red Cross. 7:30 PM EARC. 146.865.

Cutler Bay 146.865. PL 94.5. This will be the net repeater for the moment.

Wednesday night: 7 PM. Cutler Bay 146.865. Simplex 146.520. 7:30 PM Main 146.700

Thursday Night: North Dade Radio Club. 444. 800 PL 94.5

ARES: 3.940 on 7:30 AM Saturdays.

General Nets of Interest: Southcars 7.251 8 am-1 pm (365 days a year). Sunday morning: Bill: N4LTT (former president EARC) 9:00 am.  Bill, KG2CS: 10 AM.

Maritime Mobile Net/Intercontinental Net: 14.300 10 am-10 pm. (365 days a year)

Waterway Net 7.68 7:30 am.

Adjourned 8:16 PM.

Meeting ending motion, and seconded to adjourn at 7:38 PM.

3 for testing.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill KG2CS

EARC – Antenna Party – After Action Report

From KE4MCL:

Today (Feb 16th 2019) we had a work party at the EARC. quite a few people showed up, even some new faces some of us hadn't met in person yet. It was nice to see such a big turnout. Now on to what got done!

1) new coaxes got pulled into club room

2) new dual bander installed up at top of tower

3) antenna for aprs installed

4) aprs digipeater and solar panel installed on tower.

The digi is up and running but location is slightly off. We need to go back with a laptop and correct it. It is operational though.

Attached are a few pics, we have Steve up on the tower, Steve and I right after we finished installing the APRS, the actual APRS digi unit, and finally an extremely rare shot of MBU working.

(Some Other Pictures have been uploaded since the time of this message)

73 de ke4mcl