Ham Club Online

EARC is trying a new way of organizing our membership roster. As the title states, it is Ham Club Online. Those operators that are active members are already part of the roster and are free to login and check the status of the membership and get information such as expiration date. The program appears to be feature rich and will help us gain helpful information from our members for our members.

If you ham not checked it out already, give a shot and explore the features it has to offer.

More WinLink Fun And a New Gateway in EL95sl.

Last we posted on this site about WinLink was back at the end of July. In fact it is the post just before this one. We have been busy working on the Clubs WinLink gateway W4SVI-10 on 145.030MHz and have been lazy about posting any information on this. So although this is not a complete write-up of our adventure, it is just a mention and a "Look what we did" post since we are way over due and the cobb webs on this site are just getting out of control.

So to recap, we have:

This was not by any means what we started off with, but what we have ended up with. There has been a long road of trial and error with many lessons learned along the way. We have had issues with networking, computer choices, charge controllers and batteries to mention the big items. Step by step we have improved the station with lessons learned throughout the process.

The power system can be monitored on this rudimentary page and hopefully in the near future when we have figured out how to do so, we will have a way to monitor the traffic received by the gateway like we do here with WB4DB's APRS node and WinLink Gateway WB4DB-10.

So if you are in the area and have the means, give it a try, connect and check your WinLink email. Let us know how it went and if you need help just reach out!

There’s a new WinLink Gateway in EL95so

Here's the skinny of it:

  • Where: EL95so
  • Frequency: 145.030
  • Band: VHF
  • Name: WB4DB-10
  • Format: FM Packet

System is located just south of Country Walk or grid square EL95so for you grid square nerds. The Gateway is running FM Packet on 145.030 under the call WB4DB. Keep in mind that the system is experimental at the moment and has been thrown up haphazardly. Equipment, such as, radios, antennas, TNC, power... etc, will be changed in an effort to find the best setup for my situation. So if you try to connect and you don't have any luck, please try again at a later time. It could be down for maintenance or in the process of having equipment changed out.

Current setup:

  • Diamond x51 Antenna @ 20 ft HAAT
  • 50ft LMR400 Coax
  • ICom ID-5100 Mobile radio
  • Raspberry Pi Zero
  • Digirig Mini
  • Home Brew Interface Cable
  • Direwolf TNC Sound Modem Software
  • RMS Packet Software
  • Powerwerx SPS-30DM power supply

Stay tuned and check back for updates. For information on how to connect checkout this channel on the tube,

Annual K4IDN Ham and Egger’s

The 18th Annual “Ham & Egger” Holiday Breakfast Event

WHEN:    December 17th at 9am.

WHERE:    I Hop Restaurant
    18860 S Dixie Hwy, Miami, FL 33157

Honoring David Fienberg (K4IDN) SK

David was the moving force behind this event over the decades.

This will be the second event since David.s passing

David's desire and passion to share the holiday spirit within the Ham Radio Community coordinated the “Ham and Egger” for 16 years until his passing.

Instead of just voices over the radio where friendships and relationships grew, ir was his intent to reunite those voices with a face to face event, whether it be for the first time or long time passed.

We have seen our children (some as amateurs) becoming adults, new amateur's become more wiser, and the wiser becoming more giving. It is what we do....It is who we are.

This is the place where barriers are dissolved and for us all to stand united as mentors in one mission, our mission, as Amateur Radio Hobbyists.

R.S.V.P. TO: staylor168@yahoo.com

This will assist to be sure we have enough tables and chairs for the event.

Silent Key Estate Sale

The following equipment is for sale. All proceeds go to the surviving family. If you are interested in purchasing any of the equipment and/or would like more information, please send all inquires to w4svi at w4svi.club .

ISS Heard Today Over Miami

So there I was driving home after dropping off my daughter at school and as always I am fiddling with my Kenwood TMV-71A VHF/UHF Transceiver. I start scanning the saved memory channels and the radio stops at 146.460MHz. On that frequency I hear chatter through a considerable deluge of static. Right away I discern that the cadence of the chatter is not the norm for regular amateur traffic. Listening closer, I raise the volume turn the squelch all the way down and turn everything else off to focus on the traffic. I suspect it may be the ISS and quickly look up "146.460 ISS" on google. Sure enough I confirm that it is the frequency often used by the ISS. An additional search yields a current map which tracks the ISS and as suspected they are over the Gulf of Mexico.

The excitement sets in and I get on the KD4LZA 444.800 repeater to sound the alarm and get more ears on this. I get confirmations from Steve W1HQL and Charlie N4CRE that they too are hearing it. Steve confirmed, but the signal was so low that it was too difficult to hear. The signal fading, and life rushing back to remind me that I had other responsibilities than playing radio and trying to listen to Astronauts traveling 254 miles over head at 4.76 miles per second or roughly 17,400 MPH.

Now, I am going about my daily responsibilities and that pesky thing called work, when I get a call from Charlie with news that he had kept on listening, but instead of those buckets of static and QRM, of course Charlie had full quieting on the ISS! I mean have you seen his station? Anyways, I digress, he was kind enough to send me a video with the the crystal clear audio from the ISS.

As it turns out, the International Space Station Expedition Team 66 was doing it's Space Walk number 79 to install the IROSA 3A power channel to expand the power of their solar array. With an expected mission time of 6 hours 30 minutes and open on all channels we were bound to be showered with these radio waves.

EARC Needs Your Help!!

We have found a photo while cleaning up a bit in our clubhouse shack and we came across this picture. In this picture we have four possible hams, which were probably members of our beloved club. We need your help in identifying these four gentlemen. Please email us if you know the Name , callsign or any other information that could help us determine who they were. The picture was taken between Jun 1978 and Jun 1979. This bit of information was obtained by zooming into the picture with electronic magnifiers. Unfortunately we could not get anything from the patches or name tag on the shirt and jacket of the men two the left of the picture. Now it's up to you to help us find more information. Please email us using the contact us page if you have anything to share that might help us.

EARC – After Meeting

You may be scratching your head and asking... After meeting? Is that a typo...? Well it is certainly not. Well before the pandemic, EARC club members and club friends would attend the monthly club meeting held on the second Friday of every month at the John D Campbell Agricultural center at 7:30 PM. We go over club business hold testing sessions and talk amongst like minds about Amateur radio, QSO's made, projects in progress and the latest gossip..ehem on goings on the local repeaters. At sometime between the adjournment of the meeting and shop talk, a subset of these hams would escape to a local pizza place to partake in libations, good grub and other shenanigan's.

In comes the pandemic, and as some would have guessed it, the meetings alongwith after meetings went stage left. One would think that starting backup old quirky traditions would be slow, but it couldn't be further from the truth. Meetings started up again on May 14th and surprisingly so did all the other activities. Some challenges on the first visit to our favorite "After Meeting" location could not slow us down. Because of Covid, Son of a Pizza, would not allow our large party due to being a bit late on our reservation. Normally that would be the end of that... But not for this group, a few "To Go" orders and a quick visit to the grocery store and we had ourselves a full swing tailgate party in a nearby field outside our favorite venue. A great time was had and since then things have gone back to normalcy.

Last meeting was no exception, a group of us met at Son of a Pizza after our club meeting and had a grand old time. Good friends, good food and great times!! Definitely looking forward to the next one! Come and JOIN US!!