Club News: Lightning Protection & APRS Geo-Location

Saturday morning George KD4WET used some of his rare free time and installed a Polyphaser lightning arrestor at the base of the tower for added protection to the 444.700 repeater. He had to use specialized tools and skills only the experienced posess to cut into the LMR 600 cable and add N connectors. The lightning arrestor is located inside a utility box at the base of the tower. Nice neat installation. Thanks George.

Ryan W4NTR programming the APRS repeater.

Then Robert KE4MCL and Ryan W4NTR on Sunday updated the Solar Powered APRS Digi Station so that it is now providing an accurate geo-location when squawking a beacon.

Here is a link to see the club location:!addr=homestead%2Cfl


Here are some of the NASA On The Air (NOTA) SSTV signals received from Station W1HQL.
Most of these were received while my station was unattended using MMSSTV and audio coupling the computers sound card with the speaker out on the radio.


Saturday December 1st was our first try at coordinating an Amateur Radio Flea Market. Robert (KE4MCL) had presented the idea many months ago. Being so far South it was thought that it may attract folks from the Keys and attract those curious from the North. Our location at the Agricultural Center is spacious and comfortable and would provide an opportunity for the club to raise additional money for its coffers.


Well Robert, it is the opinion of most attendees that your suggestion was certainly well worth its efforts and results. We had about 10 "vendors" including the club attempting to sell their wares set up along the parking lot edges. The weather was a tad grey to start the morning. I counted about 40-50 raindrops before the sun finally appeared. The temperature was perfect with a comfortable light breeze setting the theme for the side event that was about to take place.

Alain (K4KKC) along with Mauricio (K4NBU) and his friend Orlando showed up with a smoker and BBQ grill. Alain and his crew prepared eggs, and bacon that went well with the chili that Orlando will now be famous for to start out the morning. Coffee and Donuts shortly followed thereafter thanks to Jen (KM4ZHM) who ran out to D&D's. Meanwhile Alain and his crew meticulously prepared (smoked) steaks and ribs. Needless to say that their set up area was the most popular and well occupied throughout the day. Many of the monetary donations given to the club were the results of gracious folks way of thanking us for the free food that was prepared by Alain and his Team.


Overall the atmosphere and mood was "family like" warm and inviting which made this event unique and worth the effort to schedule another. So stay tuned for updates on this site and on the nets.

Your President


Cutler Bay Ham & Egger Christmas Breakfast

Come One Come All to the annual Cutler Bay ARES Ham & Egger event. Enjoy a great breakfast and conversation. K4IDN David Feinberg coordinates this event every year inviting ham radioers far and near to enjoy the holiday camaraderie. Where??? Do you ask!....At the IHOP on 18869 South Dixie Hgway at 9am. Hope to see you there and Merry Christmas.Image result for christmas icons