Saturday morning George KD4WET used some of his rare free time and installed a Polyphaser lightning arrestor at the base of the tower for added protection to the 444.700 repeater. He had to use specialized tools and skills only the experienced posess to cut into the LMR 600 cable and add N connectors. The lightning arrestor is located inside a utility box at the base of the tower. Nice neat installation. Thanks George.
Ryan W4NTR programming the APRS repeater.
Then Robert KE4MCL and Ryan W4NTR on Sunday updated the Solar Powered APRS Digi Station so that it is now providing an accurate geo-location when squawking a beacon.
Here is a link to see the club location:!addr=homestead%2Cfl
Bidding is Now Underway – Out of This World ARISS Auction!
April 8, 2019 The bidding has begun! The Out of This World ARISS Auction is speeding along! It will run until April 14th at 22:00 UTC.
Bidders are moving fast hoping to garner a special astronaut signed brand new JVC Kenwood TS-890S—Bidding is done by going and pressing the Auction Website button or by visiting Similar for bidding on aspecial astronaut signed 6-volume boxed set 2019 ARRL Handbook, but a different URL is used—see
Thanks to JVC Kenwood and ARRL, proceeds from the on-line auction will benefit ARISS in its quest to launch a new custom-built higher-power radio system in late 2019 with its voice repeater and improved packet APRS and SSTV capability that thousands of hams can enjoy. The new system will replace the aging, problematic units currently on the ISS. ARISS also needs funding to keep introducing ham radio to thousands of students, teachers, parents, and whole communities—and inspiring students about STEM and radio.
Kenwood has been a super supporter of ARISS for years, and it was the company’s idea for this special radio to be an exclusive for one ham to own. The limited edition boxed set 2019 ARRL Handbook sold out fast last fall but ARRL saved back one set for ARISS's fund-raiser. AMSAT-NA, another ARISS sponsor, provided parts of the auction infrastructure. ARISS is thankful for all of its great sponsors and supporters!
If auctions aren't your thing, please contribute a donation to ARISS—look for the Donate button near the top right corner page or email
What’s a free flea? It’s a small fleamarket for amateur radio operators (hams) to buy and sell used radio related gear. It serves as a way for local radio operators to barter off gear they no longer need, meet others in the hobby, and just enjoy a few hours of face to face chat.
Do you have to be in a radio club or have a radio license to attend? Nope! The free flea is open to all who have an interest in electronics or radio. Interested in getting your license? Come by and visit. There will be plenty of people willing to answer your questions.
For those who are already hams, talk in will be 444.700, no PL.
OMs and YLs, this is what our hobby is all about. The link below is a small snippet of traffic captured on the SARNet on October 11th starting at about 9:30 AM. This is immediately after Hurricane Michael has finished obliterating the pan handle. The traffic is between WX4EC acting as the Jackson County EOC and WJ4EOC acting as Tallahassee EOC.