There’s a new WinLink Gateway in EL95so

Here's the skinny of it:

  • Where: EL95so
  • Frequency: 145.030
  • Band: VHF
  • Name: WB4DB-10
  • Format: FM Packet

System is located just south of Country Walk or grid square EL95so for you grid square nerds. The Gateway is running FM Packet on 145.030 under the call WB4DB. Keep in mind that the system is experimental at the moment and has been thrown up haphazardly. Equipment, such as, radios, antennas, TNC, power... etc, will be changed in an effort to find the best setup for my situation. So if you try to connect and you don't have any luck, please try again at a later time. It could be down for maintenance or in the process of having equipment changed out.

Current setup:

  • Diamond x51 Antenna @ 20 ft HAAT
  • 50ft LMR400 Coax
  • ICom ID-5100 Mobile radio
  • Raspberry Pi Zero
  • Digirig Mini
  • Home Brew Interface Cable
  • Direwolf TNC Sound Modem Software
  • RMS Packet Software
  • Powerwerx SPS-30DM power supply

Stay tuned and check back for updates. For information on how to connect checkout this channel on the tube,

June Ham Shack Update

On Saturday, June 29, 2024, a few hams decided to head over to the club and make some improvements. The focus was to tidy up the network stack, add additional capabilities that were sorely needed, and perform maintenance on the APRS setup.



During our most recent Field Day, Ryan W4NTR, noticed that there was something odd about the way the APRS was working.  It would send packets but the different radios he used to test were not decoding them properly.   He researched the issue, but nothing he tried was making it quite right.  He continued to troubleshoot and finally found the problem.  Although he is thinking of writing a detailed post in the future, the short of it was that the software modem was acting up.  He replaced it with Direwolf and that did the trick.  Now, the club’s APRS is “chatty,” the way it is supposed to be.  To increase it’s reach a bit, he also  bumped the radio’s power from low to medium.  



The next issue addressed also arose from our latest Field Day experience. If you've ever participated in our Field Days or any similar event, you know how crucial it is to make contacts, log them accurately, and avoid duplicates. With operators using their own logging software on their laptops, avoiding duplicates was virtually impossible.


To mitigate this, Pete WB4DB quickly set up shared folders on one of the ham shack computers. Some of us successfully networked and shared log files, allowing us to see each other’s QSOs and avoid pesky duplicates. This was a temporary solution for Field Day, but we needed something more formal and permanent. Something that didn't require the club's shack PCs to be on all the time, waiting for connections.


Doug N6DME stepped in and donated, configured, and helped install a new Network Attached Storage (NAS) for this purpose. This low-power device is now configured and ready to store anything we throw at it. Initially, it will house our database, compatible with our favorite logging software, N3FJP. We also plan to store user manuals for the different radios owned by the club and its members. This can later expand to include Standard Operating Procedures, instructions on using club-specific equipment, and more. The potential uses for this clearinghouse resource are limitless.



If you've ever visited the club's radio room, you know space is at a premium—it’s cozy, to say the least. Most of the network and APRS equipment sits on a metal shelf measuring about 6 ft. x 4 ft. x 1 ft. In any other room, this might not raise an eyebrow, but in the EARC ham shack, it's the first thing you notice upon entering and takes up too much room. Room that could be better utilized to create a more welcoming first impression.


Pete WB4DB started brainstorming. His idea: why not use the walls to hold our equipment? A logical thought, but finding a functional solution wasn’t straightforward. Standard wall-mounted shelves wouldn’t work—they would protrude like the current floor shelving unit, risking head injuries and equipment damage.


Consequently, he opted to try "multiboard." Multiboard is a system akin to pegboard, but it's based on 2D printed parts designed to be modular. The base consists of squares that interlock together to create a surface as large or small as needed. Once mounted on the wall, the fun begins. We can print parts to hold a variety of objects—from tools to network controllers to Ryan and Pete’s essential Diet Cokes.


Now that we’ve mounted some gear, we plan to expand the multiboard system to accommodate APRS/Winlink radios, hotspots, PCs, and monitors. Eventually, the old shelving unit will become obsolete. This project is still a work in progress, so if you have any ideas, comments, or suggestions, please let us know. We’re all ears. And if you have a 3D printer and would like to contribute 3D printed parts, like Doug and Pete have done, please reach out!

Annual K4IDN Ham and Egger’s

The 18th Annual “Ham & Egger” Holiday Breakfast Event

WHEN:    December 17th at 9am.

WHERE:    I Hop Restaurant
    18860 S Dixie Hwy, Miami, FL 33157

Honoring David Fienberg (K4IDN) SK

David was the moving force behind this event over the decades.

This will be the second event since David.s passing

David's desire and passion to share the holiday spirit within the Ham Radio Community coordinated the “Ham and Egger” for 16 years until his passing.

Instead of just voices over the radio where friendships and relationships grew, ir was his intent to reunite those voices with a face to face event, whether it be for the first time or long time passed.

We have seen our children (some as amateurs) becoming adults, new amateur's become more wiser, and the wiser becoming more giving. It is what we do....It is who we are.

This is the place where barriers are dissolved and for us all to stand united as mentors in one mission, our mission, as Amateur Radio Hobbyists.

R.S.V.P. TO:

This will assist to be sure we have enough tables and chairs for the event.

Silent Key Estate Sale

The following equipment is for sale. All proceeds go to the surviving family. If you are interested in purchasing any of the equipment and/or would like more information, please send all inquires to w4svi at .

Everglades Radio Club Minutes – July 14, 2023

President: Steven Taylor, W1HQL
Secretary: Bill, KG2CS
Vice-President: Charlie N4CRE
Treasurer: Pete WB4DB

Balance: $4,661.51
Checking: $3,056.55
Cash: 722.98
Cheddar Up: $881.47

Expenses: $149.79
$149.79 N4CRE - GoBox - Solar panels

Donations: $702
$1 - N4CRE - 50/50 Keep the change Donation
$1 - KF4UJX - 50/50 Keep the change Donation

Introductions (7:12 PM)

Field Day Wrap-up:
20 meters was very good (328 contacts). 14, 270. Great fun. 48 contacts by Rafael.
Pictures on web site. Pete: 2 sources: on the website. Galleries. And videos (from Doug). Posts on Main page. Steve and Pete built the new tabletop. Boom microphones purchase. Computer to be decided. Comfortable environment 2 full stations. Looks great. Icom 746 Pro repaired with full power and new display. Now 2 ICOM 746 in the shack.

Show and Tell: WB4DB -Tiny SA

New Business:
Need to paint the shack. Workday planned.
The banking situation was resolved with new signers.
Roly mentioned the Tropical Park get together on the 7/15/23.

7:53 PM Adjourned.
Art won 50-50. and donated jackpot to the club.

Tuesday night ARES (444.800): 7:00 PM. Eddie NCS.
7:30 PM Steve, W1HQL: Everglades Amateur Radio Club Information Net (442.525).
Do not forget SouthCARS 7.251. 8 am to 1 PM every day of the year.
Or Maritime Mobile Net 14.300. They take general check-ins.
Wednesday 147.150 Coral Gables Emergency Net. 7:00 PM. (Thank you Ron)
And check in on the local 2 meter and 440 nets.
ARES, Southern Florida Section, Now, Monday through Saturday. 3.940 MHZ. 7:45
Steve, W1HQL Saturday morning.
Bill, KG2CS Monday morning.
North Florida ARES Net: 3.950 7:30 PM. They call for South Florida check-ins around
7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill, KG2CS

ARRL Field Day 2023 Gallery

The Everglades Amateur Radio Club hosted ARRL's annual Field Day 2023, where radio amateurs and guests got together to talk, eat, drink and have a great time all around. All happening while we tested our equipment and collectively made hundreds of contacts worldwide.

If you would like to see some photos and videos of the event, please click HERE.

Field Day Quick Wrap Up

Well another Field Day has come and gone.

We  were treated to the aroma of mangos of every type you can imagine while we preapred for the 2 pm start of Field Day. Certainly a one of a kind venue for field day!

Despite some of the weather related issues a good time was had by all. Turnout was a bit light probably due to the weather. Those that did participate enjoyed some great food, plenty of conversation and a chance to use their new found skills.

We spent much of the day rebuilding our radio room and giving away gear that had been stored there for many years. We hope to have a radio room ready  for your use that you can be comfortable in and proud of. Wall moniitors, logging software, boom mikes, weather station, and more are some of the things to look forward to.

Propagation was not that great starting out ,but as evening fell upon us it improved greatly. I know collectively we did well over 300 contacts.

I apologize for my lack of attention to some of the smaller details and failed to provide the usual sign in log.....So with that said, those of you recieveing this message, if you attended could you please reply. Include family members and friends even if they are not licensed amateurs. It would be greatly appriciated.

Thats it for now...

Hope to hear you on the net at 7:30, 442.525.

73 de W1HQL

Everglades Radio Club Minutes – June 9, 2023

President’s Report: Steven Taylor, W1HQL
Secretary Report: Secretary, Bill, KG2CS
Vice-President: Charlie N4CRE
Treasurer: Pete WB4DB $5,034.26

Treasurer’s Report: $5,034.26 (approximately) $3,937.98 (6.9.23)
Expenses: $1164.96(Go-Box). 4769.98 total balance.
New members updated and read aloud.

Introductions (7:22 PM):

Old Business:
By-Laws in progress.

New Business:
Eric Rodriguez, KF4LZA 442.525 donated. PL 94.8. Tuesday net will be held on
442.525. Other nets remain the same. W4SVI call. Our repeater.
Tables will be set up with additional extra items. Icom 746 Pro: low power issues. There
is a person in New Jersey that services older Icom equipment. Estimate asks for repairs.
Steve and Pete are looking at a bigger area to operate from (desk).

Field Day Update:
The 4 th weekend of June. 24 th and 25 th . The building opens at 7 am. An event is taking
place in the morning. They will be gone by 11 am. Field Day starts 2 PM in the
afternoon. 12 noon begins the set up. Food issues were discussed. We could self support,
or we could plan to be together. “Potluck” style buffet was agreed on.
Go-Box to be the GOTA station. We will set up front. “When all Else Fails.”

7:51 PM Adjourned.

Bill KG2CS won 50-50.

Tuesday night ARES (444.800): 7:00 PM. Eddie NCS.

7:30 PM Steve, W1HQL: Everglades Amateur Radio Club Information Net (444.800).

Do not forget SouthCARS 7.251. 8 am to 1 PM every day of the year.
Or Maritime Mobile Net 14.300. They take general check-ins.

Wednesday 147.150 Coral Gables Emergency Net. 7:00 PM. (Thank you Ron)
And check in on the local 2 meter and 440 nets.

ARES, Southern Florida Section, Now, Monday through Saturday. 3.940 MHZ. 7:45
AM. Steve, W1HQL Saturday morning and Bill, KG2CS Monday morning.

North Florida ARES Net: 3.950 7:30 PM. They call for South Florida check-ins around
7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill, KG2CS

Everglades Radio Club – May 12, 2023

President’s Report: Steven Taylor, W1HQL
Secretary Report: Secretary, Bill, KG2CS
Vice-President: Charlie N4CRE
Treasurer: Pete WB4DB $5,034.26

Treasurer’s Report: $5,034.26 (approximately) $3,937.98 (6.9.23)
Expenses: $1145 (Go-Box)

Introductions (7:22 PM): Tony Hall from the South Dade Radio Club.
One new member online. Motioned to accept minutes.

Old Business:
Field Day: June 24-25. 4th full weekend of June. Practice for emergencies. It will be the
Ag Center. The club’s members’ choice.
Go-Box update by Charlie, N4CRE.

New Business:
Steve is working on by-laws for the club. This is a follow-up from the constitution. Steve
will send out via e-mail to membership. Club station computer set up. Thank you Ryan
and Steve. Steve, W1HQL will test 5/13/23, SET test. Also, Steve did the SET test and
checked in Miami Dade. Thanks.

Alain mentioned operation “Operation Marconi” EMCOM and there are opportunities to
get certified to help during natural disasters. Joe, , gave an update on how to get

Steve gave more information on ICS 100 and 700. 600 is for space weather. (Ham radio)
Steve also talked about understanding SOP. Standard Operating Procedures. Steve gave a
scenario of total loss of communication/Internet. So, who is listening? Where? What are
the protocols? Steve mentioned calling in a brush fire out West. Radio operators was out
of band and was giving orders. The FCC fined him. (a lot). Listen, and assist. Steve
downloaded the State Watch Book. This book has all the frequencies. Thank you Steve.
Be prepared. NIFOG. National Information for Operating Guide. (From Joe). May 27,
2023, National Hurricane Center. 14,325. And other frequencies. Suzie and Alan are
involved. WX4NHC is the Hurricane Center call. Al mentioned the issue of the
handhelds on the ship. Captain said no. (none of us every had this issue)

7:51 PM Adjourned.

Milton won the 50-50.

Tuesday night ARES (444.800): 7:00 PM. Eddies NCS.
7:30 PM Steve, W1HQL: Everglades Amateur Radio Club Information Net (444.800).

Do not forget SouthCARS 7.251. 8 am to 1 PM every day of the year.
Or Maritime Mobile Net 14.300. They take general check-ins.

Wednesday 147.150 Coral Gables Emergency Net. 7:00 PM. (Thank you Ron)
And check in on the local 2 meter and 440 nets.

ARES, Southern Florida Section, Now, Monday through Saturday. 3.940 MHZ. 7:45
AM. Steve, W1HQL Saturday morning. Bill, KG2CS Monday morning.

North Florida ARES Net: 3.950 7:30 PM. They call for South Florida check-ins around
7:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill, KG2CS